The name of this organization shall be the Camden County Republican Club (CCRC).


The club is located within Camden County, Missouri and represents the Republican interests of the citizens of Camden County.

The general meetings of the club shall be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. The President may change the meeting date or location of the meetings as required.   Each member will receive a notification prior to the meeting of date, time, and location.


The duration of the club shall be perpetual.


The purpose of the club is to:

A.  Foster loyalty to the Republican Party and Republican Platform.

B.  Provide format for citizens to hear from candidates and elected officials.

C.  Provide forum for citizens to discuss issues and proposed legislation.

D.  Promote conservative principles.


Section 1 – All Members

A.  Membership is open to all citizens in Camden County, Missouri and other US residents.

B.  Shall contribute to the support of the club by the payment of membership dues as prescribed by its Bylaws and by participation in club activities.

C.  Shall pledge their whole-hearted support of the principles of the Republican Party, the Constitution of the State of Missouri, and the Constitution of the United States of America.

Section 2 – Resident Members

Shall be registered voters and residents of Camden County, Missouri, who pay the annual membership dues.

Section 3 – Non-Resident Members

A.  Shall be registered US voters, not residents of Camden County, Missouri, who pay the annual membership dues.

B.  Shall not be eligible to hold any offices of the Executive Board, Director or Chair positions.

C.  May vote on all matters considered by the club.

Section 4 – Lifetime Members:

A.  Are those members recommended and approved by the Executive Board.

B.  Members who have demonstrated continuous service to the club.

C.  These members shall be –

a.  Exempt from annual dues.

b.  Granted all privileges of Resident Members or Non-Resident Members.

Section 5  – Youth Members:  

A.  Those students who are 13 years old, but less than 19 years old and who are residents of Camden County, Missouri.

B.  Are not permitted to hold office or vote, but may serve on a committee.

Section 6  –  Membership Termination

Officers and members of this club may be terminated and barred from future attendance for just cause upon the majority vote of the Executive Board.


Club strategic and financial leadership shall be provided by an Executive Board comprised of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, Secretary and the Immediate Past President.  Club operating activities shall be provided by the CCRC Board comprised of the Executive Board and the Director positions.  Additional special committees may be formed to execute club activities.

 Section 1 –Executive Board Duties:

A.  Shall serve to establish club policies and guide membership in all club official business.

B.  All decisions made by the Executive Board shall be by majority vote.

C.  Shall serve to assure that club member views, concerns, and recommendations are fully considered in structuring club activities, recommendations, positions, and responses to political action requests.

D.  May recommend rules, regulations, and actions to the club consistent with the Bylaws.

E.  Shall establish an annual club operating budget.

F.  Shall plan annual events.

G.  Shall approve changes in CCRC purpose, priorities, personnel, position assignements, or organization

H.  Shall approve financial expenditures of $2,000 o r more

I.  Shall appoint Directors, Chairpersons and volunteers.

Section 2 – Executive Board Officers

A.  President

B.  Vice-President

C.  Secretary

D.  Treasurer

E.  Deputy Treasurer

Section 3 – CCRC Board

A.  CCRC Board will provide leadership and vote on matters related to established administrative activities of the club.

B.  CCRC Board will provide recommendations for improvements to all club matters.

C.  CCRC Board will approve financial items under $2000

Section 4 –CCRC Board Officers

A.  Executive Board (elected positions)

B.  Publicity Director (appointed position)

C.  Membership Director (appointed position)

Section 5  – Special Committee Chairperson (Non-Elected positions)

A.  Nominating Committee – Chairperson and two (2) members appointed by the Executive Board whose duty is to review and interview interested members to fill elected officer positions. Interviews will also include President and/or another Executive Board member.

B.  Audit Committee – Chairperson and two (2) members shall be appointed by the Executive Board, whose duty it shall be to audit the Treasurer’s accounts at the close of the fiscal year and to report to the Executive Board. Results will be shared with the membership.

C.  Designated Dinner Committee – Chairperson is appointed by the Executive Board.

D.  Headquarters Committee – Chairperson appointed by the Executive Board.

E.  Financial Committee – Chairperson appointed by the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer. Committee will participate in the budget planning process.

F.  Other Committees as needed are appointed by the Executive Board.

Section 6 – Parliamentary Authority

A.  The club shall utilize Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised as its Parliamentary Authority.

B.  Parliamentarian is appointed by the President.


Section 1 –  Term and Notification

A.  Officers of the Executive Board shall be elected to serve a two-year term, and may be re-elected.

B.  The Executive Board positions open shall be communicated in advance via email and presented to the membership during the February meeting with the election to be held during the May meeting. Following the May election, Officers shall assume their duties on June 1st.

C.  All persons seeking nomination to the Executive Board open positions shall submit their names and qualifications to the Nominating Committee Chair by April 1.

D.  Elections for the President and Treasurer shall be held on even years.

E.  Elections for the Vice-President, Secretary and Deputy Treasurer shall be held on odd years.

F.  Positions of Directors and Chairs have two year terms that may be renewed.

Section 2 – Vacancy of Office

A.  Should an Executive Board Officer of this club be elected to a political office, then his/her position shall be declared vacant upon inauguration to political office. CCRC Board Members seeking political office may not vote in any club election regarding club endorsement or funding of their election.

B.  In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Board, the President, with Executive Board approval, shall appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the term. Nominating Committee will assist the Executive Board in vetting candidates.

C.  A member of the Executive Board may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Executive Board and two-thirds majority vote of the members present at monthly scheduled meeting.

D.  A Director or Chair may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Executive Board.


Section 1 – Election Procedure

A.  All vacancies in elective Executive Board offices may be filled by election at an upcoming general meeting after the Nominating Committee has completed the vetting process and has provided the nominee(s) to the members. Candidates shall submit names to the Nominating Committee Chair and meet all qualifications that are required of candidates. 

B.  Executive Board Officers shall be elected by the vote of members who are eligible to vote and are present at the May meeting of the club.

C.  If for any reason elections are not held at the May meeting, they may be elected at any general meeting following the May meeting.

D.  Voting shall be by secret ballot.

E.  Due notice of all elections of Executive Board officers shall be communicated to the membership at least two weeks prior to the next scheduled election meeting.

F.  Before election proceedings take place, the Secretary shall read the Bylaws pertaining to the election of officers (Article 6, Section 2 – Elected Officers and Article 8 – Election of Club Officers) to the assembled members.

G.  The slate of Executive Board candidates shall be presented at the May meeting by the Nominating Committee Chair.

H.  The Nominating Committee is responsible for preparation, distribution, collection, and tabulation of all ballots.

Section 2 – Eligibility to Vote

A.  The eligibility of all members to vote, as documented by the records of the Membership Chairperson, shall be validated before the election proceedings take place.

B.  To be eligible to vote, members must have been paid members for the past 3 months. (Persons that paid dues in 2023 will be grandfathered in for the May 21, 2024 election only and can pay dues at the meeting to be eligible to vote.

Section 3 – Eligibility to Hold Office

A.  Candidates for Executive Board, Directors or Chairs in this club shall include resident members.

B.  Candidates for the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer , Publicity Director and Membership Director must have been a member for at least 1 year prior to date of nomination and 1) have been a participant serving on a major club event or 2) can present evidence of furthering the goals of the Republican Party.

C.  All candidates for elected Executive Board offices in this club must be present at the meeting when the election is held.

D.  Executive Board cannot hold other County, State, or US elected offices. Directors and Chairs can hold other County , State, or US elected offices.


A,  The PRESIDENT shall:

a. Preside at all meetings.

b. Schedule informative speakers and topics.

c. Determine location, date, and time of meeting.

d. Appoint and present temporary Executive Board Members, Directors, and Committee Chairpersons to the Executive Board for approval.

e. Serve as a member of all committees.


a. Assist President in all duties.

b. Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence.

C.  The TREASURER shall:

a. Maintain current, accurate records of all club income and expenditures.

b. Submit a report at each regular monthly meeting stating the amount of funds received, expended and the balance remaining in the treasury of the club.

c. Receive all monies and shall distribute the same as authorized by the Executive or CCRC Board.

d. Present to CCRC Board for approval any expenditures not included in the annual budget.

e. Two Officers are required to sign all checks in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and above if the CCRC Board has not preapproved the amount.

f. Supply all financial information to the Audit Committee as requested for the annual audit.

g. Be charged with the safekeeping of all funds and/or securities of the club which shall be deposited in a secure place as designated by the Executive Board.

h. Bill and collect all membership dues, keep accurate and current records of dues collected including date payment was made, and provide this information to the Membership Chairperson.

i. Be responsible for filing required reports with the Missouri Ethics Commission.

j. Consolidate the budget requests from the Executive Board, Directors and Standing Committees to prepare the annual club operating budget. The budget shall be presented for review and approval by the Executive Board.

k. Maintain savings, checking, and any other bank accounts with the Authorized local Bank where the Club funds are held.


a. Assist Treasurer in all duties

b. Perform all duties of Treasurer in his/her absence.

E.  The SECRETARY shall:

a. Record all Executive and CCRC Board and general club meetings.

b. Permanently maintain the minutes of all general meetings, Executive Board and CCRC Board meetings and other functions as required. Maintenance may be hard copy or a digital record.

c. Specifically record in the minutes, each specific issue proposed, discussed and voted on at committee and general meetings.

d. Attend to correspondence sent and received by the club and maintain a permanent record of said correspondence.


a. Chair the Publicity Committee

b. Prepare and carry out a complete publicity program with due regard to all channels of publicity, included but not limited to:

1. Sending the “Notice” of meetings at least 1 week prior to meeting with information about the time, date, and location.

2. Distribute the “Notice” of meeting via CCRC email, Website. and/or Facebook..

3. Notify local newspapers and radio stations of upcoming events as needed.

c.  Send communications regarding non-CCRC rallies/events of interest and legislative issues needing call to action.

d.  Obtain CCRC Board approval prior to the distribution of any communication.

e.  Maintain club websites and electronic communication systems and software.


a. Chair the Membership Committee.

b. Maintain the official membership record with support of the Treasurer.

c. Assist with collection of dues as required by the Treasurer.

d. Provide a sign-in sheet for all official meetings and verify that the necessary quorum of members eligible to vote is present before any vote may be taken.

e. Conduct an on-going solicitation of new members for the club.

f. Set up and maintain club members in the email service.

g. Be responsible for setting up a “Calling Committee” that would contact CCRC members as to upcoming meetings who do not have email. 


A.  Dues shall be set per calendar year and due and payable on or before January 1 of each calendar year.

B.  If dues are not paid by the last day of February, unpaid members shall be notified by the Membership Chairperson in writing (via email or mail). If dues are not received by the last day of March, members shall be dropped from the rolls.  Members dropped from the rolls may rejoin as new members.

C.  New members who pay dues in the last quarter of the year shall be considered as paid in full for the remainder of the current year and paid in full for the following year.

D.  The dollar amount of annual dues will be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by a majority vote of the members in good standing present at any general meeting providing that one month’s written notice is given prior to the vote.


A.  General meetings shall be held a minimum of six (6) times a year. Additional meetings may be called by the President.

B.  CCRC Board meetings are to be held a minimum of six (6) times a year or as needed to discuss business that is to be presented to membership at regularly scheduled general meetings or specially called meetings as determined by the President.

C.  Executive Board meetings are held as needed.

D.  Business shall be transacted by a majority vote of the eligible members present at the regular monthly meetings.

E.  Only members that have been paid members for the past 3 months may vote on business items.


A.  It is the President’s responsibility to see that order is maintained during the meeting.

B.  The Parliamentarian shall use the Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order for reference.

C.  Every Officer of this club shall be provided with a copy of these Bylaws.

D.  Copies of Bylaws shall also be available to all paid members on request.

E.  All records kept by this club shall remain the property of the CCRC and shall be kept by the Secretary of the club.

F.  All Records shall be kept for three (3) years before being destroyed.

G.  Except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws, a majority vote of those in attendance at the general meetings, Executive Board, or CCRC Board meetings constitutes a quorum.


The recommended order of business to be followed at all regular general meetings is as follows:

a. Call to order

b. Pledge of Allegiance

c. Invocation

d. Acknowledgment of Visitors or New Members

e. Acknowledgement of CCRC Officers, Elected Officials, Candidates and Central Committee Members.

f. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes and Treasurer Report

g. New Business

h. Adjournment

i. Program and/or Guest Speakers


A.  Candidates may be endorsed through CCRC official communications and may or may not be supported financially.

B.  The Executive Board will determine as part of the overall budget the amount available for financial support.

C.  Candidates to be endorsed will be selected by the Executive Board considering the input from the membership. The candidates to be endorsed will be voted on by club members via an email submission or those in attendance at a Monthly Meeting held before a scheduled election for municipal, county, or State elections..  Candidates will then be selected by the Executive Board.  Members must have been paid members for the past 3 months to be eligible to vote.  


A.  These Bylaws may be amended, repealed, or new ones adopted as presented by the Executive Board at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of members present that have been paid members for the past 3 months.

B.  A 30-day prior notification of any change proposal is required prior to a vote and will be available to all members in attendance. Additionally, the change proposal will be communicated to all members via the membership email service.

C.  No amendment or addition to these Bylaws can be made without first being approved and recommended by the Executive Board.


A.  This document replaces all previous Bylaws, procedure manuals and/or addendums.

B.  CCRC email notifications will suffice for communication requirements to members. Members without email will be notified by phone.

C.  Upon adoption of these Bylaws, currently elected Club Officers shall transition into corresponding positions as specified for the remainder of their term.