Camden County Republican Club
August 6, 2024 Election
I express my appreciation to all of our members who filled out the Candidate Survey. As Republicans we want to be sure that our voices are heard and that there is unity among our party.
The survey was conducted so that members could express their support for candidates in the various positions on the August 6th ballot.
The CCRC Board reviewed the results, and, in some positions, there was across the board support for one candidate and in other positions there was equal support for more than one candidate.
The August 6th Primary Election is very important for our local and State offices.
Please review the following candidates who are supported from the CCRC Survey or who did not have anyone running against them and use this information for casting your vote.
Les J Larson
President – CCRC
26th Judicial Circuit Judge:
Charlie Dickman
Andrew Hardwick
Nick Mebruer
Camden County Assessor:
Marty McQuire
Camden County District 1 Commissioner:
James Gohagan
Camden County District 2 Commissioner:
Daniel Dugan
Camden County Public Administrator:
Tom Gorsline
Camden County Sheriff:
Jeff Beauchamp
Brian Butts
Chris Edgar
Camden County Treasurer:
Kendra Hicks
State Representative District 123:
Jeff Vernetti
US Representative District 3:
Bob Onder
US Representative District 4:
Mark Alford
US Senator:
Josh Hawley
Attorney General:
Andrew Bailey
Will Scharf
State Treasurer:
Lori Rook
Secretary of State:
Denny Hoskins
Lt Governor:
David Wasinger
Bill Eigel